Gooooood morning,
Well, I'd like to first just assure everyone that I am safe, the city hasn't burned down yet. There have been lots of fires all around us but we've only had a few smokey days - everything seems to be pretty normal here. We don't watch the news so you would probably know more than I would.
It's been a great week! On Wednesday we were heading on our way out of the teaching center to go do some street contacting and there was a guy sitting in the foyer. I quickly asked him if he was waiting for someone or needed any information. He said, " I just... want to learn about him..." as he points to the painting of Jesus Christ. So, I introduced myself. We've taught him three times this week and he's planning on being baptized in a few weeks. He's amazing, hardly understands English but came to all three hours of church and is happy to take the hour train ride any time during the week to meet with us. :)
We were on trade-offs on Thursday and I brought a new missionary, Sister Huff, to the city to spend the day with me working there. We met an Asian man in Chinatown. Apparently, he's besties with all the celebrities, including Jackie Chan. haha...I don't know if it was all true, but I'm gonna count it. I mentioned about a month ago a guy named ________ that I met at UNSW bus stop. He was our little miracle there. Well anyways, I've kept in contact and FINALLY we were able to meet with him on trade-offs and he came into the city to meet us. He is awesome! We had such a good lesson and he has felt the spirit so many times in his life before but he always just thought these things were a "coincidence." He's getting ready to graduate but he said he is going to set aside one day every week to come and meet with us. He texted us after the lesson and said it's one of the best days he's had in a long time. :)
We've also started teaching another guy from Thailand, he is such a sweetie. He keeps every pamphlet we give him and he'll read it over and over. We also committed him to be baptized next month, he's from a Buddhist background and still believes all God's are the same just with different names but we're teaching him :) haha. And of course how could I forget ________! He's doing great, loves everything we teach. We only get to meet with him once a week but he's now going to come on Sunday's so he can come to church and be taught by us. He asked us if we could come to UNSW next week to meet his friends who are also interested. YAY! We also met a lot of potentials this week who we're meeting with, it's so exciting!
Sister Campbell and I are preparing for the Sisters Preach My Gospel Workshop that will be put on by us and the assistants. It's a two-day overnight training with all the sisters in the mission - it's a big deal, we're so excited. We taught Relief Society yesterday about the work of the Lord and opposition, there will always be opposition. But we know that the Lord will always provide us a way to overcome. A few scriptural examples...when Moses and the Israelites are trapped and then Moses is able to part the Red Sea; when Nephi faced lots of opposition as well as Joseph Smith. I think of Esther and her sacrifices. There are so many examples, and I know we all have our own personal examples. The Lord will always provide a way, "for I will not leave you comfortless." We were able to watch the General Relief Society broadcast last night. I loved the talk by the second counselor, she talked about the Provo tabernacle and how it burned down, how many asked why Heavenly Father didn't protect the tabernacle, why He let it burn, etc. Then ten months later, the Prophet announced the tabernacle would become the new temple in Provo. The Lord is helping our bodies become the temples to house our spiritual bodies, sometimes we are put into fire to help mold us into what we need to become. I love you all, have a wonderful week. :)
Sister Raitt
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Sister Campbell & Sister Raitt |
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